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Oppositional Defiant Behavior
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Behavior of Oppositional Defiant Disorder

What is ODD?

Oppositional Defiant Disorder termed as ODD is a persistent pattern (lasting for at least six months) of negativistic, hostile, disobedient, and defiant behavior in a child or teen without serious violation of the basic rights of others.

What are the Symptoms of ODD?

Symptoms of ODD may include the following behaviors when they occur more often than normal for your age group: losing your temper; arguing with adults; defying adults or refusing adult requests or rules; deliberately annoying others; blaming others for your own mistakes or misbehavior; being touchy or easily annoyed; being angry and resentful; being spiteful or vindictive; swearing or using obscene language; or having a low opinion of yourself. The person with ODD is moody and easily frustrated, has a low opinion of him or herself, and may abuse drugs.

What Causes ODD?

The cause of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is unknown at this time. The following are some of the theories being investigated:

  • It may be related to the child's temperament and the family's response to that temperament.
  • A predisposition to ODD is inherited in some families.
  • There may be problems in the brain that cause ODD.
  • It may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

What Happens to People who have ODD?

The course of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is different in different people. It is a disorder of childhood and adolescence that usually begins by age 8, if not earlier. In some children it changes into a conduct disorder or a mood disorder. Later in life, it can develop into Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder. With treatment, reasonable social and occupational adjustment can be made in adulthood.

Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Treatment of ODD usually consists of group, individual and/or family therapy and education, keeping a consistent daily schedule, support, limit-setting, discipline, consistent rules, having a healthy role model to look up to, training in how to get along with others, behavior modification, and sometimes residential treatment, day treatment and/or medication.

What Can I do to Deal with my ODD?

  • Attend therapy sessions.
  • Use self time-outs.
  • Identify what increases anxiety.
  • Talk about feelings instead of acting on them.
  • Find and use ways to calm yourself.
  • Remind yourself often of your goals.
  • Get involved in tasks and physical activities that provide a healthy outlet for your energy.
  • Learn how to talk with others.
  • Develop a predictable, consistent, daily schedule of activity.
  • Figure out ways to have fun and feel good.
  • Learn how to get along with other people.
  • Find ways to avoid getting too riled up.
  • Learn to admit mistakes in a matter-of-fact way.

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